I installed our heroku application using an Amazon RDS instance.
I followed the guide here: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/amazon_rds
This guide basically says that SSL is required with the connection, and then for entering your RDS credentials.
This does not seem very safe to me. If someone has my db-url, user and password, then they can log in from anywhere, right? SSL is good to prevent this information from sniffing, but I would like to block it further, by machine, IP address or SSH.
I previously configured RDS DB instances where access was blocked only for specific IP addresses, but heroku no longer recommends this for any reason.
So the questions are:
Are my assumptions correct here?
How can I block this further?
Why the hero does not recommend blocking it to IP (or at least the IP range)
I ran this with heroku support and posted an update, but wanted to get thoughts from the community.
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