I tried putting a fragment in FrameLayout inside another fragment through FragmentManager and FragmentTransaction (from android.support.v4.app). The container fragment has a button and a TextView at the top, and a FrameLayout snapshot at the bottom (I create the layout programmatically, and I don't want to hurt you with all of this). CreateView () works just fine, and I can access the FrameLayout at the bottom of the container and add or remove the View dynamically, as I like, through
@Override public void onClick(View button) { FrameLayout frame = (FrameLayout)findViewById(DETAIL_CONTENT_FRAME); ImageView im = new ImageView(this); im.setImageResource(R.drawable.test); frame.addView(im); }
but when I try to add a fragment instead of an ImageView in a frameLayout, the code compiles fine, but the desired fragment does not appear after the onClickListener () method is called. I checked the onCreateView () method of this fragment and returned the correct view ...
@Override public void onClick(View button) { ServerDialogFragment serverDialog = new ServerDialogFragment(); FragmentTransaction addDialog = getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction(); addDialog.add(DETAIL_CONTENT_FRAME, serverDialog); addDialog.commit(); }
Do you have an answer to this question?
PS: I once tried adding fragments to other fragments, and it worked, but they were simple fragments containing only ImageViews.
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