I read that nested fragments should be avoided (e.g. here ), but I don't see how to do the following:
I am working on a tab application ( android:minSdkVersion="12"
) with the following interface:
The search bar is always here, and the user can navigate through several menu options ("home", "gallery" ...). My idea was to use BaseActivity with a layout containing a search string and FrameLayout, in which I would load the Snippet that matches the navigation choice for the user.
My problem is that in the "home" fragment I have several tabs that I would like to implement in the same way, that is, with a layout containing the tab bar and FrameLayout, in which I would load the corresponding fragment, and this results for the nested fragment ...
I know that instead of BaseActivity I could use several actions and include a search bar in each layout, but it would make it appear and disappear every time the user changes the actions ...
I also need a fixed footer, so I cannot use the action bar suggested by CommonsWare in his answer.
Can anybody help?
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