Homepage Modules Showing Joomla Articles

I have custom HTML and other modules on the home page that have been marked for display only on the home page. I also have articles on the home page with read more links.

The problem is that when I click on this page, read more links, all the modules of the home page open, and after these modules the article is displayed.

I checked the installation of all modules marked for display only on the home page, but they also appear on article pages.

Please, help.

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8 answers

These articles become the "children" of the page you are viewing, so you see the modules there.

I had this problem before, it is related to Itemid, I think.

You can use the Advanced module manager to assign these modules ONLY to the home page.


A manual solution without using the AMM extension.


You MUST post a category in which your articles belong to ANY joomla menu so that these articles get their own item identifier because they are children of this category. this is Joomla default behavior with 1.5


Each article should have a menu item or a parent menu item, IIRC, and if it does not find it, its parent menu item is the default menu item (main page menu item).

So, to fix this, you need to make sure that each category has a corresponding menu item, so that each item in the parent element of the article is not the main page. This works because each article has a category (“without category” is considered a category).

Create a hidden menu, and then create one menu item "List of categories" for each category.

You can find additional documentation on the wiki page titled How to control the display of a module when linking to an article without a menu item .


Here is an explanation of the joomla element id problem and fix


If the articles do not have a menu item, they show the modules assigned to the page with which they were linked, just as if you had a blog category menu item, you could expect that in any of these blog entries Assigned modules to parents without the need to assign them to each message. This is a big problem when you have a homepage that hides the output component, as any other elements just show the homepage with a different url.


I had the same problem and installing Advance Module Manager (AMM) solved my problem. All I had to do was go to the specific modules that I selected to display on the home page (based on Joomla standard parameters), then new settings appeared in the "module assignment" parameters for each module (from AMM), which was a section "Home", I selected the option "Enable" (by default, "ignore") on each of the modules.

What is “enable” is that it ensures that only the homepage (your real default directory, not the Joomla article selected as a “function / homepage”) is the one that contains the selected modules, not children's articles, or others (which was my problem)


I had a similar problem, and I found this article a great starting point: How to control the display of a module when linking to an article without a menu item

It works for J 2.5 and 3x. Personally, I used the Metamod extension to control the display of Joomla modules. It takes a bit of code understanding, but it helps a lot when you find out ...


I used the php follwing snippet in my custom Joomla 3.3 template:

if ( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] == '/' or $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] == '/index.php' or $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] == '/home.html') { echo 'homepage html' } else { echo 'non-homepage html' } 

I had the same problem with modules like "most popular" and "recently added", and the problem was solved when I checked the language of the articles and changed ALL to ENGLISH, or FINNISH, etc. everything worked as I wanted. Hope this helps you too.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/910803/

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