Unable to include std file in visual studio 2008

I am new to C ++ programming,

I have a C ++ project created in visual studio 2010, and now I am developing a COM project in VS2008. In this project, I have to include some files used in the C ++ project (developed in VS2010).

When I tried to include the header file from a C ++ project (developed in VS2010), the compiler gives the error "cannot find stdint.h file" .

Is this a problem with my installed visual studio?

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1 answer

The stdint.h file is only available with vs2010, not with vs2008. As a workaround, you can copy the stdint.h file from the include folder of installed visual studio 2010 (c: \ ProgramFiles \ VS \ include \ stdint.h) and add this to your 2008 project.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/910800/

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