SQL decoding of null values

I have the following query. When type_id is null , I want it to be grouped by the name "unknown".
How can i do this.
I know there is a decoding function, but I'm not sure how to use it.

 select type_id, name from test_table group by decode(type_id,'Unknown'), name; 

How can i do this?

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3 answers
 select decode(type_id, null, 'Unknown', type_id), name, count(*) from ( select 'asdf' type_id, 'name1' name from dual union all select 'asdf' type_id, 'name2' name from dual union all select null type_id, 'name3' name from dual ) test_table group by type_id,name; 

I agree with @sql_mommy that CASE will probably look better. But I do not agree that you are using TechOnTheNet as your primary source of information. You are usually better off with official documentation, and the DECODE page is a good example of why.

DECODE has some weird behavior: "In the DECODE function, Oracle considers two zeros equal." This behavior is not mentioned in the TechOnTheNet article.


For null, we have an NVL function. It can be used as follows

 select nvl(type_id,'Unknown'),name from test_table group by type_id,name; 

You can use either the NVL function or COALESCE :

 select NVL(type_id, 'Unknown') AS type_id, name from test_table group by NVL(type_id, 'Unknown'), name; 


 select COALESCE(type_id, 'Unknown') AS type_id, name from test_table group by COALESCE(type_id, 'Unknown'), name; 

COALESCE more efficient than NVL because it evaluates only the second argument if the first is NULL, while the NVL evaluates both arguments each time.

Hope this helps ...


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/910760/

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