I need to create a statistics system, but I don't know if MongoDB would be a better solution. The system needs to track a couple of things and display information. For example, a similar thing is a site, and each user who visits a site for the first time adds a line with information about it. The system needs to store data as quickly as possible, and, for example, it creates a growth chart for users viewing the page using Google Chrome. In addition, if the user visits again, the field in the existing line is updated (say, the Days field).
The system should process 200,000 new visits per day (new entries), 20,000,000 user visits (updates) per day, and 800,000,000 database entries. It should also quickly output data - for example, by creating a diagram of how many users visit each day from England, using Google Chrome, etc.
So what would be the best database to process this data? Can MongoDB handle this penalty?
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