The two GalleryAlbum and GalleryImage objects are related to OneToMany / ManyToOne:
One GalleryAlbum ==== can have ====> Many GalleryImage
Many GalleryImage === can be in ===> One GalleryAlbum
(sources below)
What is the problem?
Adding (uploading) files to GalleryAlbum
$ em-> saved ($ album)
$ em-> flush ()
For each uploaded file, the GalleryAlbum class creates and adds a new GalleryImage to $ images
My ECHO / EXIT test is not displayed (GalleryImage prePersist / preUpdate callback function with the name preUpload does not start!)
My new images are not saved in the database? Why?
What a strange thing! If I do this:
Why does preUpload never start on a single reset () and fire when I double-clean ()?
# src GalleryAlbum.php
/ **
* @ORM \ Entity
* @ORM \ HasLifecycleCallbacks
* @ORM \ Table (name = "gallery_album")
* /
class GalleryAlbum
// some properties like id, name, description, etc
/ **
* @ORM \ OneToMany (targetEntity = "GalleryImage", mappedBy = "parent")
* /
protected $ images ;
/ * Files container. Used for upload service. Must not be persisted. * /
protected $ files ;
/ * @ORM \ Column (type = "boolean", nullable = TRUE)
* if set to true will updateing object and calling preUpdate event callback
* becouse it always set to null in database by prePersist event callback * /
protected $ files_added ;
/ **
* Set container files
* @return GalleryAlbum
* /
public function setFiles ( $ files )
$ this -> files = $ files ;
$ this -> files_added = true ;
/ * setting files_added to true forces EntityManager to update
* this GalleryAlbum even if no other properties have changed * /
return $ this ;
/ **
* @ORM \ PrePersist ()
* @ORM \ PreUpdate ()
* /
public function preUpload ()
if ( null ! == $ this -> files) {
foreach ( $ this -> files as $ key => $ file ) {
$ this -> addGalleryElement ( $ file );
unset ( $ this -> files [ $ key ]);
/ * Resetting property files_added to NULL
* so it always stays null in database * /
$ this -> files_added = null;
/ **
* Constructing new GalleryImage and setting it file and parent
* /
public function addGalleryElement ( $ file )
$ element = new GalleryImage ( $ this , $ file );
$ this -> addGalleryImage ( $ element );
# src GalleryImage.php
/ **
* @ORM \ Entity
* @ORM \ HasLifecycleCallbacks
* @ORM \ Table (name = "gallery_image")
* /
class GalleryImage
// some properties like id, name, description, etc
/ **
* @ORM \ ManyToOne (targetEntity = "GalleryAlbum", inversedBy = "images")
* @ORM \ JoinColumn (name = "parent_id", referencedColumnName = "id")
* /
protected $ parent ;
/ * Constructing new GalleryImage * /
public function __construct ( $ parent = null , $ file = null )
if ( $ parent ) $ this -> setParent ( $ parent );
if ( $ file ) $ this -> setFile ( $ file );
/ **
* @ORM \ PrePersist ()
* @ORM \ PreUpdate ()
* /
public function preUpload ()
echo 'TEST: is this event callback function fired?'; exit
if ( null ! == $ this -> file) {
$ this -> path = $ this -> file-> guessExtension ();
$ this -> file_added = null ;
source share