Calling Javascript Functions from a Java Applet

I have a Java applet in an HTML page. I need the applet to call a specific Javascript function to notify the HTML page of some events.

I am currently calling a JavaScript function:

getAppletContext().showDocument(new URL("javascript:window.notifyEvent("+msisdn+")")); 

I define a valid function inside the HTML, but when the applet really calls it, I get an Uncaught ReferenceError: notifyEvent is not defined error.

Where do I need to define a javascript function for an applet to be able to call it?


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2 answers

For this you must use JSObject . It was a long time ago, although I heard that there are still differences between browsers. Therefore, if you need to support many browsers, I would suggest checking your supported set as soon as you see that it works in one.

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