I am adding tables to a text document and it seems like automatic margin is applied to it. I can move it to the left manually when the word document is open, but I want it to be possible to do this automatically using my C # code.
How to do this using com and c #?
I usually find that the best way to find an API method is to record a macro and look at the generated VB. Converting this to C # gives:
Selection.Tables (1) .Rows.SetLeftIndent (5.4, RulerStyle.wdAdjustNone);
Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/910525/More articles:progressive code code - javascriptCan I check if the URL is accessible using AJAX + cross-domain + jsonp? - javascriptDefine server / site support for cross-domain XMLHttpRequests? - javascriptJoin tables, foreign key - joinOracle UCP driver and tomcat: threads that cannot stop - oracleLimiting memory usage of Lua script? - luaMySQL Paste with select subquery for single value - mysqlMustache, iteration over JSON objects - javascriptSpring MVC 3.1 - REST Web Services Management - springIs there a "select box open" event for JavaScript or something like that? (using jQuery) - javascriptAll Articles