Outlook 2010 AddIn TabAppointment Tab

I tried to add an Outlook 2010 add-in to the TabAppointment tab. It works great when I add it to the TabCalendar, but if you click on the appointment in the calendar, another tab will be shown, and this tab, I think, is TabAppointment. And, of course, my add-in should be there. The user does not have to change the tab in order to use it.

enter image description here OfficeId list for controls / tabs. The list can be downloaded here .

enter image description here Add-in tab should be placed

My add-in should be visible every time I select a calendar item. So, as I wrote, TabCalendar works, but then it is placed on the Start tab.

Any idea why my button group is not visible there when I select TabAppointment? Is this the wrong tab? Or is it just impossible to add add-ons at this location?

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1 answer

Are you really using the wrong tab, or rather, you are not using the correct ContextualTab

Adding addin to contextualTab is not possible, as far as I know.

What can I offer you to convert your current ribbon (designer) into the Ribbon UML XML interface, correctly connect the XML and Ribbon class to the existing code.

<customUI onLoad="Ribbon_Load" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2006/01/customui"> <ribbon> <contextualTabs> <tabSet idMso="TabSetAppointment"> <tab idMso="TabAppointment"> <group id="group1" label="Normal Meeting Group" /> </tab> </tabSet> <tabSet idMso="TabSetReccurringAppointment"> <tab idMso="TabRecurringAppointment"> <group id="group2" label="Recurring Meeting Group" /> </tab> </tabSet> </contextualTabs> </ribbon> </customUI> 

This will cause your group / controls to appear in the desired (contextual) tab. enter image description here

PS: do not forget to include the XML element of the tape by overriding the CreateRibbonExtensibilityObject () method and create callbacks (aka event handler from your designer)

Hope this helps :)


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/910512/

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