CSVReader and InputStream

I created a CSVReader and I am trying to read a csv file from assets, so I have to use InputStream. But my code below does not have an input constructor. Can someone tell me how I can add or change something in the code, so I can use the input stream.

public class CSVReader { private BufferedReader br; private boolean hasNext = true; private char separator; private char quotechar; private int skipLines; private boolean linesSkiped; public int linesCount = 0; public static final char DEFAULT_SEPARATOR = '|'; public static final char DEFAULT_QUOTE_CHARACTER = '"'; public static final int DEFAULT_SKIP_LINES = 0; public CSVReader(Reader reader) { this(reader, DEFAULT_SEPARATOR, DEFAULT_QUOTE_CHARACTER, DEFAULT_SKIP_LINES); } public CSVReader(Reader reader, char separator, char quotechar, int line) { this.br = new BufferedReader(reader); this.separator = separator; this.quotechar = quotechar; this.skipLines = line; } public String[] readNext() throws IOException { String nextLine = getNextLine(); return hasNext ? parseLine(nextLine) : null; } public String getNextLine() throws IOException { if (!this.linesSkiped) { for (int i = 0; i < skipLines; i++) { br.readLine(); } this.linesSkiped = true; } String nextLine = br.readLine(); if (nextLine == null) { hasNext = false; } return hasNext ? nextLine : null; } public List<String[]> readAll() throws IOException { List<String[]> allElements = new ArrayList<String[]>(); while (hasNext) { String[] nextLineAsTokens = readNext(); if (nextLineAsTokens != null) allElements.add(nextLineAsTokens); } return allElements; } private String[] parseLine(String nextLine) throws IOException { if (nextLine == null) { return null; } List<String> tokensOnThisLine = new ArrayList<String>(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); boolean inQuotes = false; do { if (inQuotes) { // continuing a quoted section, reappend newline sb.append("\n"); nextLine = getNextLine(); linesCount++; if (nextLine == null) break; } for (int i = 0; i < nextLine.length(); i++) { char c = nextLine.charAt(i); if (c == quotechar) { if( inQuotes && nextLine.length() > (i+1) && nextLine.charAt(i+1) == quotechar ){ sb.append(nextLine.charAt(i+1)); i++; }else{ inQuotes = !inQuotes; if(i>2 && nextLine.charAt(i-1) != this.separator && nextLine.length()>(i+1) && nextLine.charAt(i+1) != this.separator ){ sb.append(c); } } } else if (c == separator && !inQuotes) { tokensOnThisLine.add(sb.toString()); sb = new StringBuffer(); } else { sb.append(c); } } } while (inQuotes); tokensOnThisLine.add(sb.toString()); return (String[]) tokensOnThisLine.toArray(new String[0]); } public void close() throws IOException{ br.close(); } } 
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1 answer

You can create an InputStreamReader from this InputStream

 new InputStreamReader(myInputStream, encoding) 

Where myInputStream is your InputStream and encoding is a String that defines the encoding used by your data source.

You can call your CSVReader as follows:

 new CSVReader(new InputStreamReader(myInputStream, encoding)); 

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/910475/

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