The use of virtual memory means how much address space is used and does not necessarily translate directly into RAM use. Stack, mapped files (including binaries and libraries), etc. Everyone contributes to virtual memory, but not always to the RAM used. Please note that using memory in RES (resident RAM) mode is quite pleasant with only 270 MB. On a 32-bit machine, you may encounter restrictions on the address space, so virtual memory is a scarce resource if you approach the 2 GB mark (the value may also be 1 GB or 3 GB depending on the OS). In a 64-bit system, virtual memory (address space) is close to unlimited, therefore, high value in itself should not be considered a risk. Of course, if it is also associated with the actual use of high RAM or a lot of displayed files that you cannot find out why use them, it is worth a look.
Of course, the JVM also has some actual overhead (in physically distributed memory) associated with storing the garbage collector, compiler operation, native code, etc., and this will also be reflected in the use of virtual memory. But since the positions of RES and SHR are not very high, I would say that there is no reason to panic, especially if you are 64-bit.
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