What is the correct model in Python for implementing lazy getters?

Sometimes I like to write getter attributes for an object, so the first call is heavy lifting once, and this value is saved and returned on subsequent calls. In objective-c, I would use ivar or a static variable to store this value. Sort of:

- (id)foo { if ( _foo == nil ) { _foo = // hard work to figure out foo } return _foo } 

Does the same template work well in Python, or is there a more acceptable way to do this? So far I have basically the same thing. What I don't like about my solution is that my object is clogged with values ​​and getters for these values:

 def foo(self): if not hasattr(self, "mFoo": self.mFoo = # heavy lifting to compute foo return self.mFoo 
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4 answers

Use a lazy property . Getters in the 1990s .


Instead of doing an explicit "hasattr" test each time, let the Python runtime do it for you. Define __getattr__ in your class, which is only called when using the undefined attribute.

 class Sth(object): @property def a(self): print "property a" return self._a def _a_compute(self): # put expensive computation code here print "_a_compute" return 1000 def __getattr__(self, attr): print "__getattr__" if attr == '_a': self._a = self._a_compute() return self._a ss = Sth() print "first time" print ss.a print print "second time" print ss.a 

Prints the following:

 first time property a __getattr__ _a_compute 1000 second time property a 1000 

You can leave this property and have __getattr__ test for 'a' directly, but then you will not have the visibility "a" as an attribute in dir for things like introspection or autocomplete IDE.


You can use the exact same template in Python. You seem to be worried about whether my_object.get_foo() needs to be done all the time in Pythonic. Fortunately, Python gives you a good tool to work here in the form of properties :

 class my_class(object): @property def foo(self): # calculate if needed return self._foo 

This allows you to use something that is used as an attribute, even if it is implemented as a function. those. users will do my_object.foo , and do not care that it performs the function behind the scenes.

Another thing is that the Python convention says that private attributes are written by _foo , not mFoo .


I would do something like this:

 @property def foo(self): return self._foo_value if hasattr(self, '_foo_value') else calculate_foo() def calculate_foo(self): self._foo_value = # heavy foo calculation return self._foo_value 

Now you can access "foo" if it has already been calculated or not, using:


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/910471/

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