R: ordering faces by value, not alphabetical order in ggplot2

A few weeks ago, I used ggplot2 to create a faceted graph in which faxes were ordered by the last value in a data frame. I had no serious problems until he switched to reordering, because I did not understand all the difficulties of orders, factors and levels. However, after an hour or two (or three) calls to SO messages, I got it working.

When I returned to the script today, it no longer worked, because now it sorts the faces alphabetically, and not according to the final value of the data frame. (I think that I initially “fixed” the problem during the mess on the R console and did not actually add a solution for the script.) Instead of spending a couple more hours this evening, I'm going to rush to SO charity.

Q. How can I sort faces by a given value, rather than alphabetically by the name of each face? Please note that the code below is an example; real data has several tens of elements.

The edited code below to reflect the additional input from @joran; faces are now sorted and filled accordingly. Successful mission.

# Version 3 require(ggplot2) ## NB This script assumes you have ggplot2 v0.90 require(scales) require(plyr) require(lubridate) require(reshape) set.seed(12345) monthsback <- 15 date <- as.Date(paste(year(now()),month(now()),"1",sep="-")) - months(monthsback) myitems <- data.frame(mydate=seq(as.Date(date), by="month", length.out=monthsback), aaa = runif(monthsback, min = 600, max = 800), bbb = runif(monthsback, min = 100, max = 200), ccc = runif(monthsback, min = 1400, max = 2000), ddd = runif(monthsback, min = 50, max = 120)) myitems <- melt(myitems, id = c('mydate')) change_from_start <- function(x) { (x - x[1]) / x[1] } myitems <- ddply(myitems, .(variable), transform, value = change_from_start(value)) myitems$mydate <- as.Date(myitems$mydate, format = "%Y-%m-%d") myvals <- myitems[myitems$mydate == myitems$mydate[nrow(myitems)],] # get values on which to sort facets myvals <- within(myvals, variable <- factor(variable, as.character(myvals[order(myvals$value, decreasing = T),]$variable),ordered = TRUE)) myitems <- within(myitems, variable <- factor(variable, as.character(myvals[order(myvals$value, decreasing = T),]$variable),ordered = TRUE)) print(levels(myitems$variable)) # check to see if ordering succeeded myitems$fill <- ifelse(myitems$variable == "ddd", "blue", "darkgreen") p <- ggplot(myitems, aes(y = value, x = mydate, group = variable)) + geom_rect(aes(xmin = as.Date(myitems$mydate[1]), xmax = Inf, fill = fill), ymin = -Inf, ymax = Inf) + scale_fill_manual(values = c("blue", "darkgreen")) + geom_line(colour = "black") + geom_text(data = myvals, aes(x = as.Date(myitems$mydate[1]) + 250, y = 0.2, label = sprintf("%1.1f%%", value * 100))) + facet_wrap( ~ variable, ncol = 2) + geom_hline(yintercept = 0, size = 0.6, linetype = "dotdash") + scale_y_continuous(label = percent_format()) + scale_x_date(expand = c(0,0), labels = date_format("%Y-%m"), breaks = date_breaks("year")) + xlab(NULL) + ylab(NULL) + opts(legend.position = "none") + opts(panel.grid.minor = theme_blank()) + opts() print(p) 

Image showing that facets are now sorted properly but that the fill is no longer working

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2 answers

You have two problems:

  • A line that converts myitems$variable to a coefficient must specify ordered = TRUE to ensure that it is an ordered factor.

  • Your geom_text call uses a separate data frame, the corresponding variable of which is not a factor (or ordered), so it stomps myitems by the ordered character.

Transform both of them or ordered factors, and you should be fine.


Facet are ordered in the same order as the variables in the original data.frame format.
Thus, as a basic hack, you can simply order the variable name when creating data.frame:

 myitems <- data.frame(mydate=seq(as.Date(date), by="month", length.out=monthsback), 'ccc' = runif(monthsback, min = 1400, max = 2000), 'aaa' = runif(monthsback, min = 600, max = 800), 'ddd' = runif(monthsback, min = 50, max = 120), 'bbb' = runif(monthsback, min = 100, max = 200) ) 

If you need to reorder at the end of the process then organizing () is best.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/910438/

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