I'm currently trying to use OleDb / JET to export SQL Server data to an Excel 2003 file. At first I encoded the export in a console application and it worked quite fast. However, executing the same code during an ASP.Net request takes about three times as much. In particular, it slows down during a call to OleDbCommand.ExecuteQuery, which inserts a record into an Excel file.
The only difference between the two literally is that it works in a console application and the other works in IIS. In addition, both applications:
- works on my development machine
- the same code works as below, from the common dll library, which refers to both applications
- connecting to the same database with the same connection string
- using the same exact selection operator with the same exact parameter values
- creating a completely new file in the same place on my development machine and writing to it
- generating byte-byte-identical files
Is there something inherently slow when using OleDb in ASP.Net that I don't know about?
UPDATE: This is the code in question. The import command used both in the console application and on ASP.Net sites is identical. They both connect to a database that is local to my machine, and both applications run on my machine.
public void Convert(IDbCommand importCommand, string savePath, string sheetName) { var excelConnString = new OleDbConnectionStringBuilder(); excelConnString.Provider = "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0"; excelConnString.DataSource = savePath; excelConnString["Extended Properties"] = "Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes"; using (var dr = importCommand.ExecuteReader()) { var columnCount = dr.FieldCount; using (var oleConn = new OleDbConnection(excelConnString.ToString())) { oleConn.Open(); var headers = new string[columnCount]; var formattedHeaders = new List<string>(); var qs = new List<string>(); var insertCmd = oleConn.CreateCommand(); for (var curCol = 0; curCol < dr.FieldCount; curCol++) { var name = dr.GetName(curCol); headers[curCol] = name; formattedHeaders.Add("[" + name + "]"); qs.Add("?"); insertCmd.Parameters.Add(name, OleDbType.LongVarChar, 20000); } using (var cmd = oleConn.CreateCommand()) { cmd.CommandText = string.Format("create table {0}({1})", sheetName, string.Join(",", formattedHeaders.Select(x => x + " longtext"))); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } insertCmd.CommandText = string.Format("insert into {0} ({1}) values ({2})", sheetName, string.Join(",", formattedHeaders), string.Join(",", qs)); insertCmd.Prepare(); var values = new object[columnCount]; while (dr.Read()) { dr.GetValues(values); for (var i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { insertCmd.Parameters[headers[i]].Value = values[i]; } insertCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } } }
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