How to remove a character from an array element?

I have an array like this:

["ee", "3/4\"", "22\"", "22\""] 

and I would like to either remove the commas, \" , or replace them with " so that the array looks like this:

 ["ee", "3/4", "22", "22"] 

or that:

 ["ee", "3/4&#34", "22&#34", "22&#34"] 

The reason is because I'm trying to pass this array from Ruby to JavaScript, but I keep getting the error message "Unterminated string constant" and I just can't figure out how to do this!

This is what I use to pass information to JavaScript:

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2 answers

To replace each element in the array with a modified version, for example, to replace an unnecessary character, you can use the map! function map! . Inside the block, use gsub to replace the unwanted character. "

 array = ["ee", "3/4\"", "22\"", "22\""]!{ |element| element.gsub(/"/, '') } array #=> ["ee", "3/4", "22", "22"]!{ |element| element.gsub(/"/, '&#34') } array #=> ["ee", "3/4&#34", "22&#34", "22&#34"] 

However, you can solve your problem by using c[1].inspect instead of c[1] when creating a JavaScript string. If you use validation, it prints the quoted string and backslash to avoid quoting inside the string.


To change the arrays the way you want, use map and gsub.

 a = ["ee", "3/4\"", "22\"", "22\""]{|e| e.gsub(/"/,'')} => ["ee", "3/4", "22", "22"] 

or{|e| e.gsub(/"/,'&#34')} => ["ee", "3/4&#34", "22&#34", "22&#34"] 

However, I am not sure if this is the best way to achieve the ultimate goal.



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