Export variable from PHP to shell

I am trying to set a variable that should be accessible from outside of PHP. Ideally, this should be a local variable, but environment variables are also welcome.

Firstly, I tried putenv() , but this does not work:

$ php -r "putenv ('PHP_TEST = string');"; echo $ PHP_TEST


When I call getenv() from the same script, this results in the correct string value. Safe mode is disabled, but the manual says that the prefix "PHP_" is vital with security =, so I use it just in case :)

Then I will try system() or shell_exec() :

$ php -r "shell_exec ('PHP_TEST = string');"; echo $ PHP_TEST

$ php -r "shell_exec ('export PHP_TEST = string');"; echo $ PHP_TEST


Is there a workaround? what could be the reason? I am using Ubuntu Linux 9.10 "Karmic", but the FreeBSD server gives the same result.

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2 answers

If you are trying to pass some output to a shell variable, you can do it like this:

 $ testvar=$(php -r 'print "hello"') $ echo $testvar hello 

Display the effect of exports on things:

 $ php -r '$a=getenv("testvar"); print $a;' $ export testvar $ php -r '$a=getenv("testvar"); print $a;' hello 

In these examples, the interactive shell is the parent process, and everything else is the child process (and brothers and sisters from each other).


Exported environment variables are only available in child processes.

This way you can set the environment variable and then create a child process. The environment variable will be visible in this child process. However, installing it in php and then starting a sequential process ( echo , in your example above) will not work.

If you set a variable and then spawn / exec a new process, it should be visible in this new process.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/910358/

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