I have data in hadoop and created an external table using partitions (date and time). Creating a table is fine, but when I try to query the data, I get no results.
Hadoop file path → /test/dt=2012-01-30/hr=17/testdata*
Create statement →
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE test(adate STRING, remoteIp STRING, url STRING, type STRING, ip STRING, useragent STRING) COMMENT 'This is the Test view table' PARTITIONED BY(dt STRING, hr STRING) ROW FORMAT SERDE 'com.test.serde.ValidRawDataSerDe' STORED AS SEQUENCEFILE LOCATION '/test';
Table creation message →
OK Time taken: 0.078 seconds
When I use select query i'm not getting results ->
hive> select * from test; OK Time taken: 0.052 seconds hive> select * from test where dt='2008-08-09' and hr='17'; OK
I see nothing here. Please, help.
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