I have a desktop webapi server that I want to expose to clients through azure service bus relay WebHttpRelayBinding is there an easy way to grab all messages from the service bus and send them as http requests to my webapi?
Pedro FΓ©lix has introduced a host that implements only what you are looking for.
He describes this in a post and put the code on GitHub .
Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/910290/More articles:What is the most efficient way to assign a unique integer id to a string? - pythonUse default route in rails - ruby-on-railsClosing a Loop Variable in C # - c #Why did all my bitmaps grow by 200%? - androidBusy wait with threads - multithreadingGetting complex object error while trying to output query values ββ- coldfusionImplement snapshot in FRP - programming-languages ββ| fooobar.comHow can I split a table using HIVE? - mapreducestd :: string or std :: vector for storing raw data - c ++OutOfMemoryError when loading actions - androidAll Articles