Where is the Developer folder located?

I want to learn how to develop iOS devices, but I don’t have a Mac, so I virtualize OS X with VMWare.

I am just starting out with Objective-C, so I just did a simple browsing with a button. I built my first project in a simulator and it works fine, but I want to use my iPod for development.

I know that this problem has been fixed in other topics, but I have a problem. I do not have a folder named "Developer" in the root directory of my hard drive (and therefore I can not do "cd / Developer /" ...)

How is this possible? I apologize if my question is stupid, but I'm really a beginner on a Mac.

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1 answer

Since version 4.3 Xcode is one application in your application folder.
Prior to 4.3, Xcode was located in /Developer . This has changed, you can find the "developer folder" inside the application package. Try cd /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/ .

You did not say why you need to be in this folder, so I do not know if you will find what you are looking for. Files may have been moved to different places.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/910251/

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