I am very new to redis and still play with it. I want to check if this matches my project, but I'm not sure about the specific command that I am running. Users at SO convinced me of the benefits of using pipelines and transactions, so I thought I'd ask how to do this.
Basically, I have two statements that I just want to release and don't have to wait for the result (it seems like a good candidate for pipe lining. It looks like this:
Does valueX exist? If it does insert valueY
Its quite simple, but so far all the ways that I have been doing it seem to be waiting for an answer, if ValueX exists, and because I am doing more than a billion cycles of my program, it stops it.
Is it possible? If this helps, I use Java, but have not decided which client library (jedis or jredis, still checking). I'm actually not even completely settled on redis, but I really lean towards it (it seems good that I am doing speed), so any suggestions are acceptable.
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