About SVGLaTeX:
I would say that you can use it as a python script on your computer (not a website) [change: not as it is], but it does not meet your requirement “without installing additional material”, since I think that you 'd need latex distribution.
About MathML vs SVG:
Converting Latex to mathml (I can only find web solutions) is different from converting LateX to SVG in the sense that the math is more like describing a mathematical source, such as a LateX source, and SVG is a format for storing an equation set like PDF.
Getting SVG from LateX is a much more complicated process than converting LaTeX to MathML, the first (as far as I know), always ultimately using the Knuts TeX program. Therefore, if you do not install LateX [edit: or use it remotely], you will have to convert it to MathML. [Hope someone knows a tool for this. I am not familiar with JavaScript. Can I start the console?].
Python script to make SVG from LateX (along SVGLatex / eqtexsvg line):
from subprocess import call import sys, re if not len(sys.argv) == 2: print "usage: tex2svg input_file.tex" exit(1) tex_name = sys.argv[1] svg_name = tex_name[:-4] + ".svg" ps_name = tex_name[:-4] + ".ps" dvi_name = tex_name[:-4] + ".dvi" if call(["latex", tex_name]): exit(1) if call(["dvips", "-q", "-f", "-e", "0", "-E", "-D", "10000", "-x", "1000", "-o", ps_name, dvi_name]): exit(1) if call(["pstoedit", "-f", "plot-svg", "-dt", "-ssp", ps_name, svg_name]): exit(1)