To answer a question specifically for Jetbrains WebStorm or IntelliJ (with the Node.js plugin), follow these steps:
In short, configure your application as if you were going to deploy to Heroku or Nodejitsu.
{ "name": "geddy_todo", "version": "0.0.1", "dependencies": { "geddy": "0.6.x" }, "engines": { "node": "0.8.x", "npm": "1.1.x" } }
Then you have two options
Option 1: Create an app.js application that starts geddy.
var geddy = require('geddy'); geddy.start({ environment: process.env.GEDDY_ENVIRONMENT || 'production' });
In WebStorm / IntelliJ, in your Run / Debug configuration for the Node.js application, be sure to add the GEDDY_ENVIRONMENT environment variable and set it to “development” or “test” if you want to run your tests.
Option 2 Call the geddy client directly
@MiguelMadero mentioned this idea in the comments. Install WS / IJ to run the following
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