In the game I am developing, I have a game menu that appears when the menu button is pressed. However, I recently found out that in newer versions of Android there is no "Menu" button, but instead an "Action Bar".
To note, I do not use the real Android menu. All I do is detect the click of a menu button and then handle the event from the game. This means that all I need is that the user can click and find that he was clicked.
So my question is: how can I support both the menu button and the new action bar? I want my application to support API levels 7-current.
Well, after reading this article , I would like to rephrase my question. He said that he "adds an overflow button next to the system navigation." My manifest has android: minSdkVersion = "7" android: targetSdkVersion = "13", but the overflow button does not appear on my emulator. The emulator is an API 14 with a WSVGA shell
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