I want to include comments (for example, on any regular blog), but the site is static. How can I do it?
Is there a service for the "hosts" of comments (for example, imgur for comments)?
Disqus is almost what you are looking for. They give you a small snippet, and it introduces a comment system on your page. About half of Tumblr and large sites like Engadget are used.
Disqus is a great option, and depending on the type of site Facebook Comments can make a lot of sense. Both will work on a completely static site.
To collect all parameters:
Check out Isso, an independent and open source.
Despite the fact that Disqus is a good answer to the question, I also offer Muut service. They give you a snippet that you can include on each page to implement a comment system. This seems to be an easier option.
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