Confusion with Ushort Result

consider the following code:

ushort a = 60000; a = (ushort)(a * a / a); Console.WriteLine("A = " + a); 

// This prints 53954. Why?


 ushort a = 40000; a = (ushort)(a * a / a); Console.WriteLine("a = " + a.ToString()); 

// This prints 40,000. How?

any help is noticeable ...

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3 answers

Since 60000 ^ 2 is 3600000000, but the largest number that int can contain is 2 147 483 647, so it starts with -2,147,483,648.

An acceleration may contain 65,535, and then starts at 0:

For example, this prints 0:

 ushort myShort = 65535; myShort++; Console.WriteLine(myShort); //0 

It’s easier to see this if you break it down into steps:

 var B = A * A; 

This actually exceeds the capacity of int32, so it starts with -2,147,483,648, so b is -694967296 then, when you split B / A, you get: -11582, which when throws into ushort becomes 53954.

 ushort A = 60000; var B = A * A; //-694967296 var C = B / A; //-11582 ushort D = (ushort)(C); //53954 

The reason why 40,000 works is because it does not exceed int32 capacity.

 ushort A = 40000; var B = A * A; //1600000000 var C = B / A; //40000 ushort D = (ushort)(C); //40000 

uint can contain 60,000 ^ 2, so this works:

 ushort A = 60000; var B = (uint)A * A; //3600000000 var C = B / A; //60000 ushort D = (ushort)(C); //60000 

The reason C casting for ushort yeilds 53954 is because C bytes are:

 96 234 0 0 

And bytes D:

 96 234 

So they contain the same support bytes, so you get 53954 and -11582


Since it is equivalent

A * A = -694967296 , because the result ends as int, and overflowing on short gives a bit pattern that gives this negative result. Ultimately, 60000 * 60000 cannot be saved in ushort . Add the clock to debug mode and you will see it.

Then you have

-694967296 / 60000 - which gives -11582 as an int, but when casting to ushort gives 53954 - again due to the base bit pattern.

Indeed, this code must be in the checked block, because it is for this reason that overflow errors cause massive problems.


First good question! Now let me tell you one thing. If you try 40,000, it will work fine.

the reason is that (40,000 ^ 2) , which is the highest ushort limit, so it will convert to an integer, so it won't truncate!

If you use 60,000 , it will be! Due to limit limit!

Try with 40,000 !

I hope you get my answer



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