Pass variables from controller for viewing in Yii

I can not use the variables specified in the controller in the corresponding view. Here is my code:

public function actionHelloWorld() { $this->render('helloWorld',array('var'=>'this is me')); } 

In helloWorld.php (view file):

 <h1>Hello, World!</h1> <h3><?php echo $var; ?></h3> 

It only displays β€œHello, World!”, It looks like this: $ var is not available in the view. Is anyone

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2 answers

"var" is a reserved word in PHP, so you cannot use this name for your variable. See:

Try using a different variable name and it should work.


which should work though with any variable name other than 'var'

note that 'this' in the view refers to its controller, so if you have a variable or public member method in the controller, you can access it from the view:


 class MyController extends CController{ public $foo = 'bar'; public function actionIndex(){ $this->render('index'); } } 


 <?php echo $this->foo; //result is bar ?> 


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