Your xmlns line should read xmlns:android=""
. This will probably fix your problem.
Quoting Google at :
xmlns: android Defines the Android namespace.
This attribute should always be set to " ".
When you use an XML file, such as layout files that you use, attributes that you can use in the same file are defined by the schema.
xmlns is not suitable for the "XML namespace". You define inside your XML the keyword namespace "android:", and so you need to declare all your attributes with "android:" at the beginning, for example android:layout_height
or android:layout_width
The namespace must point to a valid scheme, which must point to a URL containing this exact scheme. If the URL does not point to a valid schema, your XML attributes will not be recognized, which was the problem you encountered.
Hope you could understand my explanation.
If you want to know more about XML namespaces and schemas, I can point you directly to W3Schools and Wikipedia: , XML_schema .
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