I have one module where I have XSD schemes, where one scheme can refer to another using the relative path at the location of the scheme:
<xs:import namespace="http://my.namespace.org" schemaLocation="../mypackage/my.xsd"/>
Here I also use xjc to generate Jaxb beans from these xsd schemas.
Now I have a module where my web service is implemented using spring-ws (2.0.4). And I want to use static WSDL and publish it using xsd schemes, where the scheme locations will be converted to URLs, for example "http://myerver.url.com/my.xsd".
The question is how to elegantly achieve this?
(Alternatively combine XSD in one circuit and in WSDL)
(Theoretically, I could convert these XSDs using a script and add them to resources (xsd and wsdl) in a servlet (spring dispatcher), but this is not very convenient for me)
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