Rails render_to_string gives partial view errors

I get an ActionView::MissingTemplate when using the render_to_string method with partial views below code

  bizz = render_to_string(:partial => "biz_new",:layout => false) 

Even if I explicitly indicated :layout => false , I always get a MissingTemplate error.

But render_to_string with normal views works fine in one project. what could be the reason?

below stack trace

ActionView :: MissingTemplate (there is no partial business / biz _new with {: handlers => [: erb ,: rjs ,: builder ,: rhtml ,: rxml] ,: formats => [: text, "/"],: locale = > [: en ,: en]} in the viewing path "/ Home / Ramesh / works / xxx / application / views", "/ Home / Ramesh / works / xxx / supplier / plugins / asset_packager / application / opinions"):

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5 answers


  render_to_string("_biz_new", :formats => [:html], :layout => false, :locals => {:biz => @biz}) 

render_to_string requires an initial underscore and .html extension.


It seems that the rails are expecting the file to be in txt format. What did the file name? Try to name it:




As Mike Kievsky mentioned, you can enable the underscore at the beginning of a partial name, but if you use .html, you will get an obsolescence warning at the end. An easier way is this:

 render_to_string(:partial => "folder_name/_partial_name", :formats => [:html], :layout => false, :locals => {:a_needed_argument_for_the_partial => @arg}) 

Have you tried to specify a partial path, for example 'bizs / biz_new'?


Had a similar problem.

I found a solution:

render_to_string(model, :formats => [:html])


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/909800/

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