Working with property files outside of war using Spring

I am working on a Spring 3.0.5 web application that accesses LDAP and two databases. I have properties with configuration information for the LDAP server and these databases in applicationContext-security.xml and dispatcher-servlet.xml , but I would like each server to have different data properties without changing the file in the WAR. Can I somehow place the file somewhere else on the server and still access it from my application?

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2 answers

Add this to your context

 <context:property-placeholder location="${envfile}"/> 

This will load the properties file located in $ {envfile}, a variable that you can set with the Java startup parameter in this way


Or maybe in a Tomcat startup script

 CATALINA_OPTS=" -Denvfile=file:/var/server/" 

Values ​​can be restored to your controllers using the Springs Value annotation as follows:

 @Values("${myvalue}") private String myValue; 

Please note that Spring 3.1 is required for these features, more details here

Good luck



 <util:properties id="props" location="file:///path/to/"/> 


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