This is my first question here (be careful :)). I searched everywhere and could not find the answer to my problem (also a little embarrassed in this process).
I am using Tomcat 7 and the latest Eclipse IDE for Java EE developers (Eclipse 3.7.2 platform and Java EE IDE 1.4.2). So, I get this error: "The requested resource () is unavailable" when accessing . I have checked many times that this file is located on disk in the exact folder. I tried running Tomcat inside Eclipse and deploying the exported .war to Tomcat. Each time the same error appears.
My files:
myTest/index.jsp myTest/WEB-INF/html/GetName.html myTest/WEB-INF/jsp/savename.jsp
When I run "http: // localhost / myTest", index.jsp always works correctly. Then i use
"<jsp:forward page="WEB-INF/html/GetName.html"></jsp:forward>"
inside my index.jsp to go to GetName.html and this also works. The problem occurs in GetName.html:
<form action='WEB-INF/jsp/savename.jsp' method="post" > What your name? <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=username SIZE=20> <P><INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT> </form>
When I click the submit button on the form, the browser redirects to: and a tooltip appears.
So, I really donβt understand why this is happening ... By default, Tomcat applications work fine ...
PS I also tried manual file navigation:
but I also get an error (even when idex.jsp also goes to GetName.html without any problems).
Any help is much appreciated! Thanks!!
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