WinRT and .NET Enhancements

I would like to clarify some points regarding WinRT and where .NET is suitable for it. The following is a set of statements that I believe are true ... correct me where I am wrong:

  • WinRT is a separate COM resource, based on the Object-Orientated API, written in C ++, which is NOT built on its own based on the old version of Windows Win32: it is completely separate.
  • WinRT at least now can ONLY be used for the Metro part in Windows 8 and that Win32 CANNOT be used for Metro applications. The application in Win8 will be either desktop or Metro, and the application cannot use both APIs. It is one or the other.
  • The traditional .NET desktop / server (built on Win32) will continue as normal, but there is a NEW clipped .NET Framework (for example, Compact Framework / client profile or Silverlight) built on WinRT for use in Metro World. This is how C # and VB.NET will work in the WinRT world: it is NOT the same .NET platform as for a desktop computer. The user interface is executed using a derived XAML.
  • Metro applications can also be created using native C ++, again using XAML for the user interface. What about C ++ / CLI? What about other less popular .NET languages?
  • Metro applications can also be created using HTML5 / CSS3 / Javascript. I believe the Metro system has a new rendering and execution mechanism created to run these applications: I understand that they cannot be executed in a browser such as IE, so these are applications, not web pages.
  • Metro IE does not launch plugins, so there is no Silverlight in the Metro world.
  • ARM devices will only run Win8 in Metro mode.
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1 answer
  • Almost correctly, internally WinRT still uses some Win32 calls, but some API calls are new and written from scratch.

  • WinRT can only be used in Metro, but a subset of Win32 calls are still available in the subway.

  • True The XAML part now uses the WinRT implementation.

  • C ++ / CLI is not supported in Metro. So far this is only C # / VB.Net on Metro.

  • True

  • Right.

  • No, although ARM will have a desktop, it is limited to MS Office, IE, and Explorer.


Update based on comments below.

  • A subset of the WinRT API that can be used from the desktop.

  • The rendering engine and Javscript are the same as in IE 10. But the application itself will not run separately in Internet Explorer



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