How to prevent Resharper error in solution window due to CSS / javascript errors?

I like Resharper's solution analysis tool. He has proven himself in many desktop and server applications. Now I need to do some web development. I want to use Resharper for C # code, but Javascript / Html / Css errors also appear in the list. ALT-SHIFT-PageDown sends me these errors all the time.

In our team, someone else is responsible for the interface. I don’t even have the skills to evaluate the quality of their code. All I want is to eliminate all errors that are not C #, so I can focus on my internal code. Is this possible or another workaround?

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2 answers

You can try adding a file mask to your ignored list.

Resharper -> Options -> Code Validation Settings -> Change Items for Skips

Add .css and .js . This will not help with inline CSS / JS, but it excludes external files.

Or go to the validation level and select "Do not show" in all parameters on the JS / CSS / HTML tabs.


In the "Errors in the solution" window, you can select all * .js and * .css files that you do not want to scan by right-clicking and selecting "Ignore errors".



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