How to play video from a Byte array?

I am working on an application that requires encryption of video files, which works quite well. But the method that I use for decryption returns the video, as in an array of bytes. Anyway, I can play the video using this array without creating a new file.

Decoding of my method:

private static byte[] decrypt(byte[] raw, byte[] encrypted) throws EncrypterException { SecretKeySpec skeySpec = new SecretKeySpec(raw, "AES"); try { final Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES"); cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, skeySpec); return cipher.doFinal(encrypted); } catch (Exception e) { throw new EncrypterException(e); } } 

Please help me, am I stuck here?

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3 answers

How do you usually play the video? You send an instance of InputStrem to the player. So you are a ByteArrayInputStream that wraps your byte array and sends it to the player.


After many searches, this answer can be summarized. All loans must be made by decision owners.

Since VideoView accepts only a URL or file, we have two solutions:

Decision 1; Create a temp file with a stream and provide this file in videoView.

Link; / ...

Decision 2; Create a media server on your local Android system and stream to the media server where the videoView is directed to the local host for streaming.

Link; / ...

Other Ref; Which is very useful thanks to freedom; / ...


You should not serve a VideoView with a static file, but with a stream. How to create this thread? Refer to supported Android multimedia formats . The simplest can be a local HTTP server. LocalSingleHttpServer is an example of a library component that implements such a solution.



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