What do empty curly braces / curly braces mean in Java?

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What does this line mean? Thank you

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4 answers

This means that nothing is done in this constructor. Typically, Java provides this by default, so provider () {} is not required.

The main difference between this and the default provided by the compiler is that access is limited because it is not publicly available.


This is a constructor with standard availability.


The no-arg constructor is simply defined instead of being undeclared. However, since the "public" access level modifier was not taken into account, this means that the no-arg constructor is defined using the default package.

This means that any classes outside the package cannot create it. Only classes within the package can instantiate the Provider class.


This is the default constructor that does nothing.

An object of this class can be created with a package.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/909607/

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