While developing and learning ASP.NET web APIs, I ran into several issues that I need for help and discussion.
Inspired by this excellent message about developing a Secure REST API without OAuth, I wonder how best to go about checking the various tokens and information that I intend to ask for.
Short summary - I will ask (in querystring) the following information ..
- user ID
- api key
- Time stamp
- a hash based on the secret key that the user issued and hashed along with the request values
My question / interesting:
If this is a sound approach, what is the best way to implement this using the ASP.NET Web API?
I am currently thinking of using a custom attribute that I can mark with my own methods, like the Authorize attribute, which captures the requested query string or some POCO object that contains all the values, and I can use to save all the authorization type code in one place .
Does anyone have experience or thoughts?
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