Is there any quick way, while debugging, to dwell on a specific Windows Message or API?

Therefore, I want to set a breakpoint in a specific API or Windows message. I do not find an easy way to do this without writing code in any version of Delphi. Is there a way to do this the same way I can put a breakpoint in memory access?

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2 answers

To stop at any call to the API function, find it in the implementation section of Windows.pas (or where the interest function is declared) and set a breakpoint. This applies to functions that you use with dynamic linking of load times. To dynamically link the runtime ( LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress ), you will need a different method. The variable that gets the result of GetProcAddress will contain the address you want to split, but I do not know how to set a breakpoint at this address.

Stopping a message in a window is more difficult because messages can be retrieved in many places. Instead, you have to use conditional breakpoints.

To catch most published messages, you can put a breakpoint in TApplication.HandleMessage on the first line after calling PeekMessage . Set the condition Msg.Message = x . HandleMessage processes messages sent to the main thread message queue for the main Application.Run message loop, as well as for VCL message loops. Other modal dialogs (e.g. Windows.MessageBox ) will not use it.

Observing sent messages is more difficult because the OS sends them directly to its target window procedures. You will need to set a breakpoint in the window procedure of each window class that interests you. You can get most VCL window classes by setting your conditional breakpoint in Classes.StdWndProc .

Keep in mind that conditional breakpoints can be very slow. They work as a debugger, placing an unconditional breakpoint there, and when the OS starts it, the debugger takes over, checks the condition and then resumes execution if the condition fails. This may include a lot of overhead, switching between a debugger and your application; programs receive a lot of messages, so if you can find a way to prevent the debugger from interrupting your program to check each one, do it.

If this is not possible for what you are trying to debug, I recommend posting a new question where you describe a problem that you are really trying to solve.


You will need to enter Options | Linker and check the "Debug DCUs" box. this is not checked by default, so the debugger does not go through the entire VCL when you try to work.



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