Emacs + geben How to open a file to put breakpoints in it

When I debug code in a framework, it usually goes through many different calls in different files before getting to the file I want to examine. Is there a way to open the file I want when I start geben, put a breakpoint in that file and then run geben (press g)?

Otherwise, I need to continue to jump / until the gobene finally returns to the file I want, after which I can go to the line I want and set a breakpoint.

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1 answer

Cc f runs geben-find-file

IIRC, geben must already be in an active debugging session for this feature to work; but after setting, breakpoints are constant, so they are not too burdensome.

geben-breakpoint-menu menu is very convenient for setting conditional expressions if you have not noticed it.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/909503/

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