Google Geocoding API IP Rate Limitations Bypass

We are a division of a large corporation and are facing a BASIC issue with Google Maps and the geocoding API. The problem is that all 70 units of our corporation are located at the same IP address. As such, the customer service agent in India appears to come from the same IP address as the developer in Cleveland, Ohio, which seems to have the same IP address as the president of the Western Europe division . With over 130,000 employees, we regularly block for exceeding the IP speed limit.

In addition to people browsing websites that use Google maps with client-side geocoding requests, any department that tries to perform park geocoding or provides its own map display application will contribute to the same limit! We actually use our own Where To Buy service, which is publicly available (, to provide customers with information about local distributors.

As long as we don’t encounter an API limit (at least not yet, and when we do this, we can always buy a volume license), we are confronted with an IP speed limit and currently we have no workaround. We are already following the best practices in terms of caching geocoding results and reducing wasteful calls. Fortunately, this is not a problem for our customers, because they are not on the same IP address as the users of our corporation.

The question is, is there any way to get an exception from Google to our specific IP address to improve IP-based restrictions, given our setup? This is really a question for Google. Thanks for your help!

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5 answers

The division of a large corporation with tens of thousands of employees must have a corporate license.


I don’t think there is an IP restriction if you use client side geocoding as described here:

Geocoding on the server side through the geocoding web service has a quota of 2500 requests per IP per day, so all requests in one day are against the quota. In addition, the web service is limited in speed, therefore, that requests that appear too quickly lead to blocking.

Client-side geocoding with a browser is limited in speed for each map session, so geocoding> is distributed among all your users and scales with your user base.

"Map Session" means every time the Javascript API loads. However, there may be a limit to this, regardless of whether it is associated with an IP / domain / subdomain / URL, for further clarification.

And "speed limit" on the client side does not mean that there is a daily quota or something else, I tested this method, it can geocode more than 2500 addresses in one day. You will need to think and check how the "speed limit" works, my observation allows you to instantly split about 10 addresses, and then limit the speed to about 1 geocode per second for the next 150 requests, further request from the same "session" will be exponentially longer.


One possibility is to use a reverse geocode batch instead of a single request. Google allows up to 24 waypoints in one direction. Instead of sending one reverse geocode, you can wait until you have 24 reverse geocodes accumulated in the batch. Or you can use a Yahoo map, as in this answer: Problem displaying static Google maps .


I am wondering if there are many overlaps in queries, for example, all continue to search for the same 50 places? You write a caching proxy that first queries the internal database, then queries from Google when no results are found. Can this be done at the software level, changing the GeoCode call to InternalGeoCode or, possibly, at the network level and catch all requests to Google Geocode servers and redirect them? I am not 100% how difficult it is to implement, or if it helps, perhaps all requests are unique.


If you only perform geocoding forward, I suggest trying GeocodeFarm. The other day, I just received an email from them informing them that they will soon start releasing "reverse" geocoding and that they are still developing kinks. Maybe this will help you, since they have no restrictions on the data transfer speed, and the only limit is your daily limit of $ 2,500, the same as Google ... IDK. Just an offer .. == link



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