Jira sends emails from the user's address

My Jira 4.3.2 instance sends letters from jira@ {domain}.com . When a user, such as Todd, comments on a problem, I would like Jira to send an email from Todd’s email address ( todd@ {domain}.com ), and not jira@ {domain}.com .

Can this be customized? This is mainly so that users can click Reply from their email client and send an email to the person responsible for the comment.

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1 answer

From the JIRA documentation, it looks as though you can only configure one β€œfrom” the email address for each project, and not for the user.

The advantage associated with specific project email addresses is that you can set up email services that automatically create or update JIRA problems from emails sent to them.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/909429/

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