Error initializing virtual machine. Incompatible initial and maximum heap sizes specified
This probably means that you provided the -Xms and -Xmx options, and the -Xms (initial heap size) value is greater than the -Xmx (maximum heap size) value.
netbeans provide -Xms change only from properties> run> VM options
I am not a NetBeans user. However, a brief search of the Using NetBeans 5.0 manual says this is not true:
Configuring JVM Arguments
You can specify the JVM arguments for the project in the Project Properties dialog box. Open the Project Properties dialog box and click Run in the Categories panel. and then enter a list of JVM arguments, separated by spaces, in the VM Parameters field.
In other words, you can install any JVM option supported by the JVM.
here is the line i changed -Xms512m
(Finally he tells us !!)
Add -Xmx512m.
For writing, the general JVM parameters (for example, -Xmx and -Xms) are clearly described on the java
command manual page. You must READ IT CAREFULLY.
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