Check this , this and this
From the top link to dynamically add js or css:
function loadjscssfile(filename, filetype){ if (filetype=="js"){ //if filename is a external JavaScript file var fileref=document.createElement('script') fileref.setAttribute("type","text/javascript") fileref.setAttribute("src", filename) } else if (filetype=="css"){ //if filename is an external CSS file var fileref=document.createElement("link") fileref.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet") fileref.setAttribute("type", "text/css") fileref.setAttribute("href", filename) } if (typeof fileref!="undefined") document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(fileref) } loadjscssfile("myscript.js", "js") //dynamically load and add this .js file loadjscssfile("javascript.php", "js") //dynamically load "javascript.php" as a JavaScript file loadjscssfile("mystyle.css", "css") ////dynamically load and add this .css file
Also, to dynamically remove js or css:
function removejscssfile(filename, filetype){ var targetelement=(filetype=="js")? "script" : (filetype=="css")? "link" : "none" //determine element type to create nodelist from var targetattr=(filetype=="js")? "src" : (filetype=="css")? "href" : "none" //determine corresponding attribute to test for var allsuspects=document.getElementsByTagName(targetelement) for (var i=allsuspects.length; i>=0; i--){ //search backwards within nodelist for matching elements to remove if (allsuspects[i] && allsuspects[i].getAttribute(targetattr)!=null && allsuspects[i].getAttribute(targetattr).indexOf(filename)!=-1) allsuspects[i].parentNode.removeChild(allsuspects[i]) //remove element by calling parentNode.removeChild() } } removejscssfile("somescript.js", "js") //remove all occurences of "somescript.js" on page removejscssfile("somestyle.css", "css") //remove all occurences "somestyle.css" on page
But note the removal:
So what happens when you delete external JavaScript or a CSS file? Perhaps not quite what you really expect. in the case of JavaScript, while the element is removed from the document tree, any code loaded as part of the external JavaScript file remains in the browser memory. That is, you can still access the variables, functions, etc. that were added when the first external file was loaded
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