I developed a statistics site for the game as a training project several years ago. It is still in use today, and I would like to clean it a little.
The database is one area that needs improvement. I have a game statistics table that has GameID, PlayerID, Kill, Deaths, DamageDealt, DamageTaken, etc. In total, this separate table contains about 50 fields and many more that can be added in the future. At what point are too many fields? It currently has 57,341 rows and is 153.6 MiB on its own.
I also have several fields that store arrays in a BLOB in the same table. An example of an array are matches between players and players. The array stores how many times this player killed another player in the game. These are large fields in files. Does the array save in BLOB?
The array looks like this:
[Killed] => Array ( [SomeDude] => 13 [GameGuy] => 10 [AnotherPlayer] => 8 [YetAnother] => 7 [BestPlayer] => 3 [APlayer] => 9 [WorstPlayer] => 2 )
They do not exceed 10 players.
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