"Error loading RadChart image" on IIS7

I am using the Telerik RadChart control in my ASP.NET web application.

This works fine when working on the local host, but now the application has been deployed to IIS7 and the following error appears:

enter image description here

Why is this? And how can I solve the problem?

I saw on some forum posts that the solution is to add the following to <system.webServer> in web.config:

<add name="ChartImage_axd" path="ChartImage.axd" type="Telerik.Web.UI.ChartHttpHandler" verb="*" preCondition="integratedMode,runtimeVersionv2.0"/>

However, I have already done this, and the error still appears.

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5 answers

I had the same problem: for IIS7, the Telerik HTTP handlers that you have in <system.web> <httphandlers> should be in <system.webServer> <handlers>

I'm not sure what you should remove from system.web, but just copying over your telerik http handler for the diagram is glad, it should look something like this:

 <add path="ChartImage.axd" verb="*" type="Telerik.Web.UI.ChartHttpHandler, Telerik.Web.UI, Version=2011.3.1305.35, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=121fae78165ba3d4" validate="false" /> 

in the web.config file ... add the following: -

  <system.webServer> <validation validateIntegratedModeConfiguration="false" /> <modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true"/> <handlers> <add name="ChartImage.axd_*" path="ChartImage.axd" verb="*" type="Telerik.Web.UI.ChartHttpHandler, Telerik.Web.UI, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=121fae78165ba3d4" preCondition="integratedMode" /> <add name="Telerik.Web.UI.SpellCheckHandler.axd_*" path="Telerik.Web.UI.SpellCheckHandler.axd" verb="*" type="Telerik.Web.UI.SpellCheckHandler, Telerik.Web.UI, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=121fae78165ba3d4" preCondition="integratedMode" /> <add name="Telerik.Web.UI.DialogHandler.aspx_*" path="Telerik.Web.UI.DialogHandler.aspx" verb="*" type="Telerik.Web.UI.DialogHandler, Telerik.Web.UI, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=121fae78165ba3d4" preCondition="integratedMode" /> <add name="Telerik.RadUploadProgressHandler.ashx_*" path="Telerik.RadUploadProgressHandler.ashx" verb="*" type="Telerik.Web.UI.Upload.RadUploadProgressHandler, Telerik.Web.UI" preCondition="integratedMode" /> <add name="Telerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd_*" path="Telerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd" verb="*" type="Telerik.Web.UI.WebResource, Telerik.Web.UI" preCondition="integratedMode" /> </handlers> </system.webServer> 

who solved my problem


I don’t know exactly what they are doing with RadChart and ChartHttpHandler , but I solved my problem by changing the requireSSL attribute of the system.web > httpCookies to false:

  <system.web> <httpCookies httpOnlyCookies="true" requireSSL="false" lockItem="true" /> </system.web> 

Recently, we just moved our application (which used SSL and worked perfectly with RadControls) to the new server and temporarily worked without an SSL certificate.

I followed all the previous instructions to solve this problem, including setting all the RadChart EnableHandlerDetection properties to false when using handlers placed only in the system.webServer > handlers , and deleting any in system.web > httpHandlers , without any luck. I either received an error message sent by the OP, or a message telling you to add a handler in the (old) section of system.web > httpHandlers - no permutation of these settings helped.


I had the same problem, even though I already have entries in <system.web> <httphandlers> (for IIS6) and <system.webServer><handlers> (for IIS7). The difference for me was a project, a combination of ASP.NET WebForms and MVC. The patch added this line to Global.asax. Now all the charts on the aspx pages in the Reports / Folder section work.


Hope this helps.


I had the same problem: for IIS7, the Telerik HTTP handlers that you have in

I solved the problem by adding ChartHttpHandler

 <handlers> <add name="ChartHandler" path="ChartImage.axd" verb="*" type="Telerik.Web.UI.ChartHttpHandler" /> </handlers> <add name="ChartImage_axd" path="ChartImage.axd" type="Telerik.Web.UI.ChartHttpHandler" verb="*" preCondition="integratedMode" /> 

as well as i added

 <rad:RadChart UseSession="false"> 

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/909171/

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