Rail console with lace?

How can I use a rails console with a Wirble stone? I originally had code that gives you wirble and put it in my .irbrc

At this point, irb did a fine job using wirble (highlighting), but when I start the rails console , it will give an error regarding wirble and halt.

I changed the irbrc code, so it does not stop, but continues the error, this at least gets the load of the rails console , but does not highlight the color.

Any ideas what I should put? this is in my irbrc

 begin # load and initialize wirble require 'wirble' Wirble.init Wirble.colorize rescue puts "Couldn't load Wirble, continuing anyway" end 
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1 answer

Put gem 'wirble', :group => :development in the Gemfile .

PS Look also at Hirb and awesome_print .


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/909145/

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