Change Organizer AppointmentItem Appearance Through VSTO

I am trying to create a set of AppointmentItems from a database in Outlook through an add-in that I developed.

I would like to be able to create AppointmentItems in another Exchange account calendar (I have its credentials). The organizer attribute AppointmentItem is read-only, this did not help.

I'm just wondering if there is a way to achieve this. I am using Outlook 2010 and Visual Studi 2010

Many thanks for your help.


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2 answers

after some research, I used the Exchange Server api to impersonate another user and create assignments on behalf of that user.

for more information:


I understand that if you want to change the meeting organizer, you will need to cancel the meeting and send a new meeting invitation to the meeting organizer. Unable to transfer or change the organizer.

From Requests for meeting with Outlook: main bunkers and domains :

If the recurring meeting changes to a new organizer, there is no way to reassign ownership of the meeting. The original organizer should send an update with a new end date - the latest meetings remain on each calendar, but future events after the end date are deleted. The new meeting organizer should send a new meeting request for future meetings.



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