Encryption for Objective-C

I need to send encrypted data to a remote server from Objective-C using a web service. What encryption method should I use? It must support both Objective-C and the remote server.

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1 answer

CommonCryptor.h is the title for encrypting C on iPhone. It supports the following algorithms:

kCCAlgorithmAES128, kCCAlgorithmDES, kCCAlgorithm3DES, kCCAlgorithmCAST, kCCAlgorithmRC4 

If you are using MacOS, you have CommonCrypto plus all OpenSSL options. I don’t know Objective-C wrappers for these classes, but CommonCrypto is pretty simple as encryption goes.

All these algorithms are common enough so that there are no problems with finding an implementation, regardless of the server platform. Unless you have a good reason to choose another algorithm, AES is a smart choice.


SSCrypto offered the answer to this similar question as an Objective-C wrapper for OpenSSL.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/909053/

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