As Eric said, he is not. Messages are very complicated.
Now I am using Pubnub , which is an external service. There is not very good documentation on Rails integration, so you just need to try to do it yourself.
On the more well-documented side of Faye , but this is an internal process and requires two instances to run (one to respond to Faye's requests, and one to launch your application). It was a bit harder (and more expensive) to do on Heroku, so I just stuck with Pubnub.
In terms of Faye documentation, check out this Railscast , and for privacy, a Private Pub .
edit: if you find Private Pub difficult to integrate. well, rather than being average, but maybe you should try to learn more about Rails and Javascript before delving into this question, as this is not easy (although it seems like it should be)
edit 2: Also for faye this tutorial can help you.
You might be better off using Node.js for this type of thing.
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